Manufacturing industry job seekers: Nail your next interview with these top tips

Manufacturing industry job seekers:

Calling all manufacturing industry job seekers! If you are looking for a job, or you have
an interview scheduled; we are here to help.
As seasoned experts in the manufacturing industry, Ignite Industrial Professionals
knows what employers are looking for – and we can help you nail your next interview.
If you are looking to make the best impression, here are some of our top tips for
manufacturing industry job seekers.
Brush up on them before your next interview!

1. Prepare stories that show your value – and expertise. Go through your memories
of jobs past, talk to old coworkers and then sit and think about how these stories
paint you in the best light as an employee. Did you save the company money?
Come up with an innovation or adaptation that increased productivity? Did you
start a program or event that boosted morale? Make sure you have a few stories
ready to show your worth.

2. Practice. Recruit a friend or loved one to sit and ask you questions so you are
ready to go and sound polished. If you don’t have time, video yourself answering
questions. It’s awkward and might seem weird, but it definitely helps boost your
confidence. Swap positions (virtually)… If you were the interviewer, rather than
the interviewee, what questions would you ask all of the applicants?

3. Study. Before you walk into your interview, do your homework about the
company. What is the culture? Who are the people at the top? Look on their
website, google the company, read, read, read! Most companies expect you to
do your homework, including looking people up on LinkedIn. Prove to the
interviewer that you have done your research. Start one of your responses with
this phrase, “In preparing for this interview, I noticed on your website that…”

For example: ABC company is one of the largest distributors of X in the world. Is that
why the company is expanding?

4. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to interview the interviewers! They want to know
that you are invested, so if you have questions and you aren’t afraid to ask them,
it will show them you are interested and prepared.

5. End on a positive. Even if you aren’t confident the interview went well, try to
leave the interviewer with a positive last impression. Manufacturing job seekers
should always be sure to end each opportunity with line or closing quote that
shows your worth and enthusiasm…for example: “I feel strongly that my previous
experience would be a benefit to the company, but most importantly, I am a team
player, and I’m willing and able to perform any task that’s required.”

6. Also, once you leave the interview, it’s a good idea to send a thank you email and
then follow up – either via phone, email or on LinkedIn.

Ignite Industrial Professionals

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